Leadership Nominations

If you are a part of Bridge Church and want to take part in the nomination process of new leadership members, please follow the steps below.

Bridge Church Leadership Team would like to hear your voice on who could serve alongside them in leading the church. We know that God is good and willing us to do His work to build His church and we have arrived at another point on our journey where there are changes ahead.

We would encourage you all to prayerfully consider and nominate up to two people who you feel God may be calling to be involved in leading Bridge Church moving forward.

The current team consists of Phil and Jo Parsons (Lay Pastors), Ben Lillie, Tom Rutter and Tracey Venning. The leadership team meet once a fortnight to pray and oversee the church vision, spiritual direction (including teaching, church programmes and events), line management of bridge staff team and a pastoral role within the church.

Bridge Church trustees are chaired by Rev David Miller and comprise of Phil Parsons, Jo Parsons, Tracey Venning, Tom Rutter, Lucy Worth and Nichola Hosking. Their role is to fulfil charity law, being legally responsible for finances, management and administration.

To help you in the nomination process, here are some of the Biblical requirements and expectations for a member of the Church Leadership Team.


The Scriptures teach that a plurality of leaders is to provide the overall spiritual care of each fellowship of believers. (Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1; Titus 1:5) They are responsible to Christ, the Head of the church. Our church uses the term “Leadership Team” and this term is synonymous with the term “elders.”


A list of qualifications is found in 1 Tim. 3:1-7, 2 Tim. 2:24-26, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-5. It is to be noted that the qualifications have to do more with character and maturity than they do with abilities or giftedness. This means that the variety of people on this team will result in a variety of gifts, some public and some more private in nature. They will, however, model the Christian faith. They must also be available and be people who are already influencing for good in their involvement with people. 

They must be committed to being available to enable, encourage, support and manage those in the congregation and those in key roles of responsibility.   



  1. Establish the goals and direction of the congregation.

  2. Design and maintain programs that are aligned with the vision of the church.

  3. Empower leaders in areas of ministry and spiritual giftedness.

  4. Ensure that the vision of the church is clearly understood, embraced and communicated.

  5. Release the spiritual gifts within the body of Christians for the benefit of the body.

  6. Protect the church from false teaching. (Acts 20:28-31; Titus 1:9)

  7. Designate Ministry Team leaders.

  8. Review and propose the church budget inline with the churches budget, vision and mission ensuring the church is run with financial integrity in cooperation with the Trustees.

  9. Annually report back to the congregation overall staff performance.


  1. Pray for the congregation. (James 5:14; Acts 6:4)

  2. Ensure there is relevant life-related teaching of the Scriptures. (1 Tim. 3:2; 5:17; Titus 1:9)

  3. Model godliness, passionate spirituality, love for God and a mature Christian faith. (1 Peter 5:3)

  4. Care for those in needs. (Ezekiel 34:1-6)

  5. Equip the church for ministry roles. (Ephesians 4:12)

  6. Nurture the staff and ministry team leaders.

  7. Encourage and train Ministry Team Leaders.


Nominations Open - 26th August

Nominations Close - 11th September

Proposed Candidates Announced to Church (Followed by response)- 18th to 25th October

Church AGM & ratification by church members of proposed candidates - 3rd November